Monday 23 January 2017


The World Humanitarian Summit was a multi-stakeholder, collective effort to better serve people in crisis. Its success hinged on the full participation and commitment of thousands of stakeholders and institutions. Maintaining momentum on the Summit’s outcomes and measuring collective progress will, similarly, be a multi-stakeholder undertaking.
Through the Agenda for Humanity Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation (PACT) all stakeholders who made commitments are invited to self-report on progress once a year until their commitments are implemented. Annual self-reporting in the PACT is a critical opportunity to communicate with others and make visible how your country or organization are taking forward commitments made at the Summit, confronting challenges, and working to promote positive change. It is a place to share your experience, triumphs, results, and what you’re learning.
In order to make the self-reporting useful for analysis, it is organized according to the 24 transformations in the Agenda for Humanity. In the reporting form, each of your commitments will be listed under the transformation to which it is most aligned in the Agenda. The information provided through the self-reporting will be publically available on the PACT to promote transparency and facilitate collaboration between stakeholders. It will also form the basis of the annual synthesis report to be prepared by OCHA (expected release September). The annual synthesis report will highlight trends in progress, achievements and gaps that need more attention.

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